Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma!

Yes, she's one! I can't believe it. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!!! Emma was lucky to have her great grandpa & grandma Murphy, and her great uncle Bob and aunt Pauline here for her birthday. Pauline's birthday was Thursday, but Nate was working. So we had a double party for Pauline and Emma Thursday, and then a party for Emma on Friday when Nate was home.

Emma is such a joy in our lives. I can't even imagine life without her. I can't believe that a year ago I was in a hospital room in Kirksville, Missouri, with a brand new sweet angel from heaven in my arms. Emma has taught me so many things this past year. I have grown in ways I didn't know possible, and I have enjoyed every minute of every day with her in our family. She brightens the room with her sweet spirit and her funny personality. I think with every child I have gained bigger and fuller tear ducts, and deeper emotions. Emma has a way of connecting with people...and I feel like we have connected so strongly. She is so smart and she understands so many things. She cuddles when she can tell I need a little cuddling. She teases and plays peek-a-boo when I need a little smile. And let us not forget the cutest cubby cheeks in all the world! I could kiss on those things all day. Happy 1st Birthday my Emma, you are such an amazing blessing from Heaven! We love you Emma Jo.


Peggy Nielson said...

Happy Birthday darling little Emma. How I remember one year ago too. What a beautiful experience it was to see you so new in the world! I am glad that she had lots of family around to share in the birthday excitement. Love you Emma.

Sara said...

oh she's so cute!!
happy birthday to little emma! :)

Rikki said...

Happy Birthday Emma! I love her cheeks too!

Tasha said...

Happy Birthday to Emma! She is so cute eating her cake! Looks like it was a FUN party!

Anonymous said...

"Save me a piece of that cake for later!" Happy birthday you cute little chubbabubba!