Friday, July 30, 2010

time. sleep. never enough.

i have been struggling lately trying to get my kids the proper amount of sleep. especially little emma, she just doesn't go to bed early enough, she's up several times at night, and then she's up early in the morning. tonight i had to lay by her for over an hour (combined) to finally get her to go to sleep. and now it's after 10pm, and i don't have much time for the cleaning and organizing, etc... i sent nate a frustrated text, venting about my lack of 'me' time. and then a poem came to mind....

cleaning and cooking can wait till tomorrow,
for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
so quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
i'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.

i starting thinking about my true calling in life, and at this point in time, it is that of a mother. not cinderella, not a wonder-housecleaner. but a mother to nurture and raise these 3 sweet girls in the gospel. i tweeked the poem a little to fit my time in life....

cleaning and cooking can wait till tomorrow
for children grow up, we've learned to our sorrow
so quiet down dishes, dust go to sleep
i'm immersed in my children, and children don't keep

hopefully i can keep that simple little poem in mind in the future when i start getting impatient with spending the time i need to spend with my girls. because i am oh-so-blessed with 3 of the most amazingly beautiful and perfect girls.


Anonymous said...

Don't we all need to remember that now and then? It seems lately I have a number of friends who are stressed about not having time to get their "to'do" lists done and I just think about how right now my main priority is raising the kids and not ignoring them to work on less meaningful projects.

jo said...


Amy F said...

I remember that overwhelming feeling the summer of our move. So very much to do, yet so very much happening with the kiddos at home. Which is more important?? You've got it together. I love your reminder...

The yard looks fantastic. So happy for you guys and your cute place!

Megan said...

Very good thoughts...I struggle so much with sleep and me time too! Thanks for the reminder ;)