Sunday, October 5, 2008

Random Fun

First of all, General Conference was wonderful!!!! Nate is in his Internal Med rotation at the hospital, and he was on long call all weekend. So it was the 3 kiddos and myself for Conference, and surprisingly I was able to pay attention to all 4 sessions! Our primary and nursery sent home cute packets for them to do while watching Conference, and that helped a ton. I really enjoyed all the talks and the Spirit that always accompanies Conference weekend. Between sessions today, the girls and I went to walk around the temple, and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!!! It's the 1st day we've been able to open doors and windows in the morning to let it cool the house off. I think the high today was 85 maybe? But there was a breeze and it was AMAZING weather!!!!

We finally fed Emma rice cereal for the 1st time the other day. As you can see from the pics..she wasn't very impressed. (I guess it's probably not as creamy as what I've been giving you can tell from her chubbas!;o) It was funny because every time I put it in her mouth she looked at me like I had betrayed her trust or something!
And...back out it comes! Yuck mom...are you serious?

And of course, the tub pics. Emma gets to be the guinea pig for the girls' giggle fests in the bath. This time it was the washcloth hat, and for some reason they thought it was hilarious! Good thing Ems is a good sport...


Anonymous said...

Look at those chubbas in the tubbas! (I came up with that myself.) Conference was great, although I only got to watch 2 sessions. I didn't know you guys were that close to the temple. Are you within walking distance? That's pretty sweet!

Cashelle said...

You're such a good mom. I don't allow my kids to have laugh fests in the tub cuz I hate the water mess. What did your primary put in the packets? I've wanted to make something like that but I wasn't sure where to start.

Scott and Katie said...

Your girls look so much older already! They are darling. I lOVE Emma with the washcloth and the picture with her eating rice cereal is hilarious!!