Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Caitlin my Hero

I had to post about my sweet little Caitlin. Although at times she is TOO good of a helper ;o), she has been my little hero today...and at least helped me keep my sanity. Nate left early this morning for a trip to Washington D.C. for D.O. Day on the Hill. I've been so nervous about this trip, because although I'd love to claim to be a wonderful independent mother...I've relied on Nate so much since we've had Emma. Our sweet little Emma is a very high maintenance baby, and especially for a few hours at night...I need Nate's help.

Caitlin has stepped in and helped me so much today and tonight. She's gotten Emma to sleep for me several times when I've needed to help Abby, or when I'm trying to get things done. I never have to ask her...if she hears Emma crying, she hurries to give her the binkie, and do whatever she can to calm her down. Caitlin is such a huge blessing in my life, and she has been my hero today and tonight. I don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet, smart, helpful wonderful daughter, but I am so grateful for her in my life. I love my sweet Caitlin with all of my heart!!!

I wish she could understand how much I love her, and how much I need her in my life. I wouldn't trade a minute of the last 5 years with her in my life. She is my little angel and I will forever be grateful that she made me a mother!


Rikki said...

What a great girl! You are lucky to have her.

Cashelle said...

She is so sweet. Emma is so stinkin' cute!!

Amy F said...

She really is a special girl. A blessing to your family. Remember... we have her reserved for Michael...