(So the picture of Caitlin was the only one I could find that showed how truly GREEN it is in Missouri.)
We are heading to Arizona next year!!! Can you believe it? For people that don't know, ATSU does the 1st two years of medical school on-site with classes, and the 2nd two years is spent in rotations. His school has contracted rotation sites in several other states that you can choose from. Basically, you put your top 6 choices, and you see what the computer gives you. Arizona has a lot of spots, seeing that there is another ATSU campus there, and the area is so large. So we figured putting Arizona, we would pretty much get it. And we did! So...should I be THIS excited to go to heat-wave central? Maybe not, but I am really excited about it. I think this is the best choice for Nate, as well as our little family. So we will be in Arizona from July 2008-July 2010 (when Nate FINALLY graduates!!!!).
All is still going well here, and we are all healthy. The girls and I are THRILLED to leave in a week and a half for Utah to welcome my sister Sarah home from her mission in Pennsylvania. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry...I think when you only have one sister, you develop a bond that goes quite deep. She has done such a wonderful job on her mission, and we can't wait to see her again! Sarah and Caitlin were the best of friends before Sarah left. She said that on her mission she printed out pictures of Caitlin, and she looks at them every day now because she can't wait to see her. We miss you Sarah! Can't wait!