Friday, January 7, 2011

all things winter

not much to say...just wanted to upload our pics from the last few weeks.
nate's parents stopped by on Christmas Day, love them!
all the granddaughters got cute 'poofy skirts' for Christmas from grandma and grandpa nielson
typical emma reaction when you tell her to smile for the camera. large tantrum ensues.
the divas
my lil' abs getting an award. (don't mind the socks. her teacher took them on a 'nature walk' a day it snowed SEVERAL inches. their shoes got wet, so she had them wear socks around school the rest of the day. yes, wet halls, wet socks. ???)
Scholar of the Month award
Cait and Abs dance recital. they both did AWESOME!

caitlin and her friend kamree ready to perform
good job ladies!
the day we got 16" of snow!
all ready to go get whitewashed!

grandma debbie came to play in the snow too (and build a SNOWGIRL!)
cait and awesome momma with no makeup on. yeeee hawww!
our snowgirl
all the granddaughters at my mom's for Christmas Eve (granddaughter #6 is in sarah's bell-eh)
nate was on-call Christmas Eve, so we went to the hospital to open Christmas Eve jammies with him.

nate recorded a reading of "The Night Before Christmas" in this cute Hallmark book that records you reading each page. so he 'read' the girls that book before bed.
Christmas time!!
the ONLY thing emma wanted from Santa was a giant marshmallow lollipop. and giant marshmallow lollipop she got!

nate's reaction when he saw his secret present: a tool chest he's been wanting forEVER.

the LARGEST art set i've EVER seen. thanks dad and carla!
all in all christmas was good, the dance recital was good, everything just went great this holiday season. it was so nice to live close to family for all of the festivities!


The Wilkins' said...

Ah, your girls are adorable -even little stinker Emma who doesn't like pictures :) Looks like you guys are having fun. However, I'll be honest, the snow looks awful! I get a little pit in my stomach just thinking about it! Sorry!

Miss you guys! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I love how kids' presents revolve around candy- it sure makes it easier to shop for them!