Tuesday, February 16, 2010

please say you've never done this

So Nate is finally home after 6 weeks of being gone. The day he came back we were going to go to dinner and a movie on a date. So we got a babysitter, got everything all lined up to the minute, and headed to the restaurant. There was a 20 minute wait...which would be pushing it to get to the movie on time. But we waited in the packed lobby for our table. About when our names should be called, I thought I heard the host say "Saysha party of 2?"

and then!!!!!

This other lady says SHE IS SAYSHA and her and her husband take OUR TABLE!!!! Ooooo...the nerve of some people. Come on lady...at least if you're going to steal someone's spot...use a generic name like "Bob, party of 2?" NOT SAYSHA FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! As IF there are going to be 2 Saysha's at the SAME T.G.I. Friday's at the SAME TIME on the SAME WAITING LIST! Sheesh.

Ok..so just wanted to post my funny for the day. When we were done I wanted to walk by their table and say, "Bye Saysha!" But of course I didn't have the nerve.


Cindy said...

Okay so me being the inpatient and not so nice of a person in that kind of situation I would have stepped right up and said something....go you for not making a scene!

Jaime said...

I would have had the nerve! I get SO mad when people do RUDE things like that so I call them on it! Like one day some lady cut in line at the bank in front of me, it was Totally obvious, not just to me but to everyone behind me. I told her she had no manners and told the teller that I was next since she cut in front of me and I had been waiting for 20 minutes with 2 screaming kids! The lady glared at me and I just smiled at her. She was so mad she left. I felt better! ;)

Annie said...

I'm with Cindy. I totally would have made a scene! Especially if I was going to be late to the movie. As if.

Melissa Moss said...

UGH! I would have said something... you know me!

Cami said...

Crazy story! I wish you had put her on the spot! I just loved your post about eight years. So sweet. Each year brings so much happiness. It's fun to see that in simple pictures.

Rikki said...

How RUDE! I would have said something too.