Sunday, May 17, 2009

Life, Family, and Water Balloons

Here we go again with another catch-up post (with mostly pictures)!'s gonna happen a lot I have a feeling. Not enough time for everything, so sometimes the blog gets neglected. I'll try to summarize before the pictures:

My uncle Bob and my Grandma Mary came out to visit and to find her a house in Sun City. The girls LOVED it...Bob and Grandma played with them until they were completely worn out. It was fun to see them and to spend time together.
Emma and Grandma Mary
Reading to Grandma Mary
Uncle Bob!!

I just have to jot a little bit down about how proud I am of Caitlin this past week. After many stomaches which led to bloodwork which let to an endoscopy/biopsies...we found that she has Celiac Disease. In long...Celiac is where your body's immune system attacks gluten that you eat, and in the process it trashes your small intestine...causing a LOT of pain. In short: she's allergic to gluten. She's been a trooper through all of the doctor appointments and testing. I was so worried about talking to her about the results, and breaking the news that she can't eat anything that has gluten in it anymore...which means huge changes for her diet. I have been praying for strength for myself, and that she would understand and take the change in stride. She has now been gluten-free for 4 days, and she hasn't ONCE complained about it. She hasn't begged for food she can no longer have, or asked why others can and she can't have things. She has been much stronger than I have been. She is so amazing...and I am so grateful for such a strong daughter!!

Before the endoscopy. She smiled her way into getting 2 stuffed animals AND a heart pillow. This hospital was SO great to us.
After coming out of anesthesia...still smiling. Again..such a strong spirit she has.
Water balloon fun with Daddy.
What green balloon on my forehead Mom?
Right before the water balloon hit me. Thanks Caitlin. Oh...and the camera said thanks too.
Before the water balloon hit Nate (of COURSE I told her to throw it at him ;o)
Emma LOVES water...she could live in it all day.
All begging for the next balloon. To throw at me of course.
The girls making Mother's Day dinner for me!
The head chef for Mother's day dinner. Yeah..he gets a little crazy when he peels potatoes.
Haircut numero dos for Emma.
Looks..well...same as last time.

Birthday fun for momma!

Ok...story time! So I had opened the presents the girls had gotten me for my birthday. The last one was this blender top in this picture. Nate was trying to tell me that since the top half of our blender is old and cracking...he ordered this new one online...because they are universal. So of course I thanked him and looked all excited (and looked at the bottom of it to see if it would fit and thought, "he has NO idea what he's talking about!"). Nate then disappeared and came back with a huge wrapped box. Totally confused (I hadn't asked for anything other than shorts for my birthday) I opened it and he got me a new mixer!!!!! The blender goes WITH the mixer..he is such a stinker! I was almost in shock...I've never had a nice mixer...but with Caitlin's new diet and trying to make bread with rice flour..he thought this would be a good addition to the kitchen. I am SO thrilled...thank you Nate!

Abby had her last day of 'princess ballet' class this week. She did SO GREAT for the performance...she remembered the whole thing!!!

Our little jailbird Lily...also known as Emma's BFF
Cute Allie and Abby after dance. What would they do without each other?


Annie said...

Cute pics! Looks like you're all having a blast in AZ. We're FINALLY having some warm weather here so I guess I won't move in with you yet like I was going to. At least until winter comes around again. ;-)

Carrie Johnson said...

Saysh, i think you and i will go get wasted when you get here. You deserve it for all the things going on in your life! In fact, let's pack up and go to 'thunder down under'!

PS i'm holding your present hostage until you get here!

Amberlee said...

OH! poor Caitlin! I as a grown adult would throw a fit and ask why I CAN'T have what everyone else is having. How rough- and yet she still had on her beautiful little smile!

Amberlee said...

Oh and duh! Happy Birthday!

Amy F said...

Happy bday!! Nate gets a big star for treating you well for your bday and mother's day.

And I know Celiac disease is a lot for parents to deal with as well as children. Good luck with the major adjustment. You guys are wonderfully patient and accommodating parents... you'll be such a strength to Caitlin. And it sounds like she is a strength to you. Cute Caitlin.

ps... we're renewing our Disneyland passes right before we move this month!! Let us know if you are planning any trips! :)

Peggy Nielson said...

Loved the update. I think if you could keep yourself busy it might help!! ha ha - how do you do it all?
Hope your bread making skills are coming along. I am proud of Caitlin too. Abs is adorable in her dance costume and Emma is so sweet. Of course, Nate is amazing. Who raised him anyway? ha ha

Anonymous said...

I love all your cute pictures... the pink fuffu ones,,, all the little girly fun stuff you guys do! : ( I'll just live my non-existent "girl-world" through you guys! : ) Saysha,,, you are so pretty.

Jena said...

Your family is so cute! Thanks for checking up on us. We definitely feel blessed to all be okay. A tornado? In Kirksville? Good thing Tasha had your weather radio. It probably saved us!

I'm also allergic to wheat and gluten. It is a pain! Good luck! If you need in any recipes let me know.

and happy birthday!

Scott and Katie said...

love you guys saysh. Whenever I see all the pictures of you all I miss you! Way to go Nate on the new Mixer and way to go you for the Rice bread. You are amazing and of course Caitlin too! I hope the adjustment continues smoothly.
PS I wish your amazing little girl hair style talents could rub off on me. My girls always look scraggly with their hair because I can't do cute things with it like you.

Lindsay said...

Caitlin has been such a trooper. I love your water balloon pics, especially with the one stuck to Ems' head. Cute dance pics too. Yours are better than mine.