Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hey...really quick post. My sister-in-law Carrie has a photography blog (she is so dang talented!). Anyways, she did a cute picture of Emma on there, so check it out, eh? (If you're not too chicken....)

Ite...more posts coming soon! We went to Disneyland, I'll get pics on asap!


Anonymous said...

When the %#$* did you go to Disneyland? Em's is purty dang cute! PS thanks for the "i eat paper", I laughed my butt off. Oh wait...nope, it's still there.

Peggy Nielson said...

I agree with Carrie . . when did you go to Disneyland? I thought you seemed a little "too happy!" Glad you could have a BBQ in January and let the girls play outside. Dang, how would it be?

The Wilkins' said...

I was hoping for the Disneyland post... I'm impatiently waiting! :)