Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Uh...has anyone seen Elvis lately?

This was at a guitar store in California with my Dad and sister Sarah. Of course you have to notice the pregnant lady with the Slurpee in hand. My addiction to Slurpees has been seriously curbed since we live 3 hours away from the nearest 7-11. So anytime I'm with my's a given that he'll make a stop at 7-11 for me to feed the addiction! Gotta love it! (And gotta love the guitar store hoppin' in 70 degree sunny weather!)

Yes my sister is good lookin'...and available! HA! I'll hear from her about this one...

Our ward had their annual talent show called Beans on Broadway. It's a chili cook-off night, with a talent show to boot! The girls sang I Am A Child Of God in English, and then in Portuguese. I should have moved the mic closer, because they did a stellar job! It's amazing what little kids can learn. They got off from the piano a little bit (I only recorded the Portuguese verse), but I was so proud of them!

The only other new thing to report from the home-front is that Abby now has Giardia. The Health Dept. is looking into things a little more seriously now that it's 4 months later, and another person in the same household has it. Luckily I took her in early, and she's on the treatment medication, so she didn't get near as sick as Caitlin did. Hopefully we'll find out where this is coming from! Gotta love the small-town life, eh?

Oh...and I've been 'tagged' for several things lately, so I'll catch up on those soon as well.


Cashelle said...

saysh you're so funny. Hopefully they figure out what is going on. Hoping Abby doesn't get any more sick!!

Andrea said...

Elvis lives! :) I can't believe Abby has giardia now too! That's seriously kind of scary. I hope that they figure out what's wrong with your water system...if that's the problem. The girls were so cute singing at the Beans on Broadway. I can't believe they know Portuguese!

Amy F said...

Cute, cute girls... oh, and Elvis, too. Good luck with Abby... poor girl.

Rikki said...

I feel for you, Something is up with your water system. For both of your girls to get giardia. That is so unfair. I'm glad you caught it when you did though. Thank goodness she doesn't have to go through what your oldest did.

Annie said...

Saysh! Bottled water ONLY for you, girl! What the heck is up with the Giardia?! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm glad you got the chains out to support my gangsta ways. Love ya! -LeeLee

Natalie said...

I'm so sorry to hear Abby got sick too! Sick kids=tired mom--let me know if I can help!