Friday, December 14, 2007


Although I've been extremely pessimistic about this winter weather, and the ice storms, there is a lot of beauty in it all. We went for quite a few days in a row after the ice storm without seeing the sun. People kept asking on the phone if the ice was pretty, and of course I would respond, "Not's actually pretty ugly and dreary." The day the sun broke through the clouds, I realized why everyone says the ice is so beautiful. It was amazing to see our little world out here encased in ice, with the sun shining on it...making everything glisten and sparkle. It was SO BEAUTIFUL!!! So today, I am grateful that we could enjoy the sun yesterday and for a while this morning. I got up early to exercise this morning, and the sunrise was a beautiful pallatte of pinks, purples and blues. It made the most exquisite background for the ice-encrusted trees in our front yard. I couldn't even stop looking out the window, it was so beautiful. I am grateful for eyes to see the beauty of this world, and I am also grateful that through this wintry weather we have been safe, and haven't lost our power.
The pictures in my slide show of the ice storm don't really do it justice...but I thought I'd at least give you a little taste of what it's like. The ice on the van was one solid sheet...and notice the picture of the tire! The tire is encased in ice as well. It gets pretty crazy out there!


Cashelle said...

I've been worried about you guys. Hearing about all the ice storms and power outages and all. Glad to hear you're safe!!

Amy F said...

I remember the ice storms in Kentucky. You're right... they are beautiful. I loved that school was always let out and I could curl up with a good book and enjoy the view of the icicle trees outside our front window.

But it is so dangerous... especially when it starts melting. Sharp icicles hanging from rooftops and power lines... we would stay indoors for days. Good thing you have made your home a fun place and a safe sanctuary for your family!