Thursday, May 12, 2011

easter enjoyment

to say i'm behind on posting would be a serious understatement. here goes my best attempt at catching up picture-style....
easter sunday beauties. (caitlin had eye infections....)
sweet innocent emma was so thrilled with every egg she found
my little abs
caitlin's loot so far...
the hairdo of the day
we went to my mom's for dinner, and she did an easter egg hunt for the girlies too
sweet cousins. all girls...for now!
egg dying fun...managed to not dye any clothing. phew.
emma just woke up from her nap...hence the grumpy face.
i LOVE the 'just woke up but excited' pics of holiday mornings.

emma couldn't figure out why she had loads of candy so early in the morning. no complaints though.

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