Thursday, February 24, 2011


it is the end of february in utah which means? (drumroll please)......not much new! life is just kinda rollin along right now. not much new or exciting, just plugging along and doin' the usual.
valentine's morning
caitlin had her 2nd grade program tonight and she did fantastic!
her teacher scooted into the isle right in front of her about 2 songs into it, so i wasn't able to get any good pics or videos after that. but she did so good! unfortunately nate was on-call. :o( but my mom came with me and gave us hot fudge sundaes after, so caitlin was happy about that!
um...emma? get off caitlin's lap. don't you know this is a professional performance?!
update on my knee: so my meniscus is torn, and a few days after my last appointment i took a small spill down the stairs and landed the worst way possible on my bad leg. needless to say it worsened the pain and swelling immensely. i had my follow-up appointment yesterday, and despite being pregnant she drained my knee and gave me a steroid injection to help the pain and swelling for right now. i really have been using my leg as a wooden leg the past few weeks, i haven't been able to bend it or use it other than that. the doc is now researching into options of arthroscopic surgery and trying to find a surgeon that will perform the surgery on a pregnant woman such as myself. risk of clots goes way up having surgery while pregnant, but she feels the tear is bad enough it needs to be done asap. the second trimester seems to be the safest trimester, so she wants to get it done soon. and let's be honest...there's no way i could have knee surgery right after having a newborn, and nate being gone all the time. it just wouldn't work! so i'm kind-of in limbo waiting to see what's going to happen. but as for now, the steroid has already lessened the swelling and pain, which is A-MAZING for now. so there ya have it...i'll keep everyone updated as we figure things out.

i've finally weaned emma off insisting that i lay by her until she falls asleep, be it during naps or at night. (i means she IS only almost 3....) this DOES mean however, that she tends to play and sing and sneak around the house before she falls asleep. this day (pictured) i found her in her bed later with her 2 babies by her, wrapped in blankets, and she gave each of them a toy to sleep with. what a darling emma is! she makes us laugh all. day. long.
let's see....the baby still looks like a boy. :o) and YES i've found a couple cute clearance outfits for baby i'm starting to get excited. we have our REAL ultrasound in a couple weeks, so hopefully then we'll know for sure for sure for sure. i'm feeling so much better pregnancy-wise though, so that's been awesome.
i think that's it for now. you can tell how down-and-out i've been with my knee lately, and how little we've done in the past few weeks, because i went to the 'february picture file' and so far there are 7 pictures total from the whole month. we have missionaries getting home, baptisms of friends and family, people coming to visit, and all of our birthdays coming up soon, so we'll be busier than we can handle pretty soon!
that's all for now folks. hang on to your seats...spring is coming soon. right? please???


Unknown said...

awwww!!! she is just adorable! i remember when she was just a little cute baby!

Lindsay said...

Cute little Emma. And I'm so sorry about your knee! I hate it!

Serene & Damon said...


Such cute kiddos! I hope the doctor works out a good option for your knee. Keep us posted.