Tuesday, August 31, 2010

first day of KINDERGARTEN!

abby started kindergarten today...i say it all the time, but how on earth did she get so big so fast?! she's my little tender-heart, so i kept the tears to a minimum BEFORE i started walking away from her classroom. she has the best teacher, and she is so thrilled, so all-in-all it's a good thing. here's the little beauty in her 1st day of school garb (props to sherst for the stinkin' cute outfit!):

my dear little shorty abs, someday you will be taller than the bottom windows on the classroom :oD
she wanted to ride the bus home with caitlin...(which was nerve-racking for me!)
looks like day #1 was a success!


Peggy Nielson said...

Sweet lil' Abby. I hope you never put anything heavy in the back pack - she may tip over! Sweet picts -- and no, you probably won't be teary eyed when they are in high school!

Rob, Michelle, Luke & Harper said...

She is so cute and so grown up. I love her little outfit!