Wednesday, June 25, 2008

That Darn "Sippin' Corner"

Ok, so to the naked eye, that might not look like much of a 'corner'. Let me explain. Let's start at the beginning. When we were pregnant with Caitlin, and poor (oh wait...still poor!) I picked out a cute, yet cheap unisex crib bedding set. If I would have known that a few years down the road, Abby would be totally and completely attached to the crib quilt from that set..I would have picked out something cuter...and more girlish!

Abby became attached to that blanket as a baby. I would lay her on it in her crib for naps, and she would grab the corner and roll herself up in the blanket. She then became attached to all of the corners in general by the time she was about 12 or 18 months. I would put her down for naps and I would have to give her all 4 corners to hold. Well, she apparently sometime became attached to one corner in particular. She then labeled this corner her 'sippin corner'...and we have NO IDEA where she came up with that! Anyways, if she walks by her blanket...she has to 'sip it' as she says. She'll rub that sippin corner in between her fingers. A little interesting, but whatever.

After we had Emma, Abby reverted back to wanting to lug the huge, hot, ratted, ugly blanket to church and everywhere else. So finally FINALLY (hallelujah) we convinced Abby that Arizona is going to be much to hot for a huge blanket, so today she let me cut the 'sippin corner' part off into a smaller blanket. So far she thinks it's pretty rad (pardon my 80's french) hopefully it'll last!
Before the surgery.

After the surgery.

Sweet deal!
And maybe (if we're lucky) by the time she goes to high school she'll be able to leave her 'sippin corner' at home.


Cashelle said...

That is hilarious. Audrey got attached to one when she was little. I bought extra fabric to replace it if ever needed-yeah it didn't work. And Thomas loves minkie (that really super soft material with the raised dots or whatever.) He has 1 blanket and 3 scraps. All are different colors and sizes and he has to sleep with ALL of them. I don't know what I'm going to do, but that was an excellent idea!

Sara said...

oh that's so funny. she is adorable! your girls all have the best smiles and round faces -- love them!!

Rikki said...

I love the new backdrop Soooooo Cute!

Andrea said...

Ha! That is hilarious! Do you think she even knows what she means by "sippin'" corner? That is too cute!

Sara said...

i tagged you on my blog :)

Serene & Damon said...

Your girls are so cute! My mom sent me your blog and I couldn't resist looking.