Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

I can't believe that she's already 4!!! Time flies so fast, but I am grateful for the past 4 years of my life. Abby is always ALWAYS smiling. Even when she tries to get mad about something, she has to hide her face because she can't wipe a smile off. She is a little fireball and a joy in our family. We were lucky to have a few friends and family members come to a little pool party for Abs! Picture summary:
Birthday phonecall wishes from Grandma!
Girlies at the party
Bebes in the strollers
Abs and Uncle Bob
Lots of help blowing those candles out!
Emma found a new friend (with the help of cake for a bribe ;o). The girls love great-grandma Mary! (Yes...she's purposely hiding under her hat.) Birthday phone call from Great Aunt Pauline! Hot tub beauties
And of course..Lindsay and I did a self-photo shoot. Why not? ;o)


Peggy Nielson said...

What a little angel Abby is. I love the dress up pict. What would you guys do without the pool? Can't wait to see ya all on David Letterman!!

Jade said...

PS OMG means Oh my goodness. Sorry bout that